Beach Media Publications’ Charities of the Year
Our “Charities of the Year” are local, individual charities that we support through the magazines. Each charity receives £100 donation together with a full page of space in our 2023 issues.
Our charities last year were the Royal Free Radio, Young Barnet Foundation and The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre. Throughout 2022 each charity used the space to tell readers about their origins and main purpose, fundraising events and also let readers know how they could support them.

We are now looking for three charities to support during 2023 and would like readers to help us. If you know of a deserving group based in North London please send their name to [email protected] by Friday 10th March, marking the subject line Charity Nomination
Once we have all the nominees we will make a shortlist for readers to vote for via our social media channels. Make sure you are following Beach Media Publications on Facebook & Instagram so you can help us choose the final three.