Credit: 20th Century Fox/Disney (Die Hard)
There’s something quite apt about spending some of the festive season at the world famous Rivoli Ballroom. This December, they’ll put on another delightful film season when their Christmas Film strand of movies are screened. Love Actually, Elf, Gremlins and Home Alone represent the classics, but Die Hard will be the one everyone will want to experience in these beautiful surrounds. Is it a Christmas movie or not though? Everyone seems to have an opinion on this, so why not head down to the Rivoli and enjoy Bruce Willis saving the day, before making up your own mind? The Ballroom is one of the last remaining 1950’s styled ballrooms left in the capital. Designed by Henley Attwater with a barrel-vaulted auditorium, it first opened in 1913 and provides a suitably warm and welcoming atmosphere for their films. Check out for all your ticketing needs.