It’s never TOO early to write your Will but it can be TOO late 

That’s quite a scary thought and whilst it’s not a legal requirement to have a Will there are very good reasons for having one.

In this article, Will Writer, Roger Bourdon, outlines 5 reasons why you should have a Will

man writing his last will & testament
  1. A Will makes it much easier for your family or friends to sort everything out when you die – without a Will the process can be more expensive, time consuming and stressful.
  2. If you don’t write a Will, everything you own will be shared out in a standard way defined by law – which will rarely be the way you might want.
  3. A Will can help reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax that may be payable on the value of the property and money you leave behind.
  4. Writing a Will is especially important if you have children or other family who depend on you financially and you want them brought up with your values by people you know and trust
  5. Only a Will lets you leave something to people outside your immediate family.

These reasons are very convincing, yet did you know that 60% of the UK’s population have yet to write their Will? That’s a huge number of people who leave their estates unprotected with the chance that the value of their family’s inheritance could be significantly reduced. Having no Will can result in significant delays and unexpected costs arising at a time when the last thing a family needs is additional hardship and worry.

Roger Bourdon at Enfield Wills is familiar with this situation: “People often say that they intend to write their Will but cannot find the time, so it just sits on their ‘to do list’ and creates a massive problem for those left behind when they die. However, if you don’t make a Will then you have no control over who will inherit all you own and have worked so hard to achieve. If you are married, then your spouse’s inheritance could be limited. If you are co-habiting your lifetime partner could end up with nothing. If you have children from a previous relationship, they could end up with nothing and if your spouse or partner marries after your death your children could easily be forgotten about and receive nothing too. For the sake of a couple of hours of your time all this could be avoided.”

Whatever your reasons for not having written your Will there’s no time like the present and Enfield Wills free home visiting service aims to make things easier for you.   A home visit can be arranged for an evening or weekend to suit you which means you get a high-quality personal service delivered in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

If you already have a Will do get it checked over to make sure it complies with current legislation and meets your wishes.  Enfield Wills can provide a complete review of your existing Will to make sure you are taking full advantage of the latest legislations and your taxation entitlement.


For more information or to make an appointment contact Roger Bourdon on 07958 221460 or email [email protected]

Read Roger’s newest article “Can your will be contested” here