Come Closer

The new year began, it seems, with more craziness than ever, and it’s no wonder that record numbers of people are allegedly suffering mental health issues. That’s why my message this month is come closer.

The friends we make during school, college or university years often turn out to be our closest friendships for life, mainly,

I suspect, because when we are young we are much more likely to be open to each other and discover shared values, so our friendships tend to develop deep foundations. But as we get older it becomes harder to maintain contact because we follow different paths. Moreover, we develop defence mechanisms because we get hurt as we progress through life, and the fear of getting hurt again makes us less available to true heart connections

One of the best and biggest lessons from lockdown is how we rediscovered the immense value of friendships, family relationships and communities by experiencing how hard life was when these relationships were denied us. That’s why we now seem to connect with people on a much more profound level, we talk to strangers more openly and we have become more interested in heart-to-heart communion with others, rather than superficial connections, as we often settled for in pre-lockdown times because we are afraid of getting hurt.

The current spate of wars and crazy weather phenomena, the disastrous consequences of which we see every day on our TV screens, has heightened the importance of keeping our loved ones close and not taking them for granted.


Undoubtedly the whole world is going through a huge period of turmoil right now, and if we are to survive and thrive, emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well as physically, it behoves each of us to heighten our conscious awareness as much as possible. By making sure we notice what we are doing and what’s going on around us, we can take proper care of each other and treat ourselves and others with the highest respect so our wounded souls have the best chance to heal.

Closeness is a happy way to live your life in any case, and being in touch with your feelings means becoming emotionally alive, and that’s a joy and a blessing. So, keep your loved-ones close and make peace with your adversaries, for we never know what’s around the corner. Then your glass can again become half full, or even completely full.

By Dave Robson