Thinking of Rejuvenating your garden? Start planning now for next Summer
Hard to accept, but Summer is nearly over and moments of blue skies and sunshine have sadly been remarkably few. Grey cloud and unseasonably cold temperatures have meant a disappointing display from many of our summer plants. However, it is time to start looking forward, and plan for next year.
The Nation has embraced gardening since lockdown with even greater gusto! Garden Centres and Building suppliers have had delays and shortages, caused by a mixture of Covid and Brexit, but a new generation of enthusiasts, with a passion for gardening, have embraced the philosophy that gardening is good for the soul – and the environment. Gardening was listed as the most popular activity during Covid lockdown after watching TV, with many articles on the mental and physical benefits associated with it, quite apart from making one’s garden, balcony or entrance space look more attractive. Nearly half of these new gardeners are under 45.
Landscapers and professional gardeners have been very busy too – overcoming unpredictable availability of plants and materials, and they have a busy season ahead. Autumn is an excellent season, in fact the best, to plant a new garden. The soil is still warm, and becoming moister after summer droughts, and the roots are able to start developing a good system before the dormancy of winter. This means the plant is likely to become better established, quicker, and put on a better performance above ground sooner. Now is a good time to plant evergreen shrubs, trees and perennials, and many are winter-flowering and will look good this year. Spring-flowering bulbs from daffodils through to alliums are all best planted during the Autumn too.
So if you were thinking of sorting out your garden for next year, now is the time to do it. If you need the services of a landscaper for a path or patio, you will need to contact them quickly to get a slot. The same goes for garden designers and horticulturists. But you will be so pleased next Summer, when hopefully we will have warmer, clearer days, that you thought about it now!
Happy Gardening!
Anne Fraser and Caroline Streets
Planting Gems
07729 835988 & 07930 876348