Seasonal Thoughts from Planting Gems
Autumn is just around the corner!
This is a lovely time of year – late flowering perennials such as Rudbeckias, Penstemons, Persicaria and grasses reach their peak, and late flowering shrubs such as Hydrangeas, Hebe and Myrtle have their time in the sun. Some plants put on a second flush. Orange and fiery red, autumn colour is just around the corner and the promise of berries and autumn fruit, conkers and acorns is on the horizon.

It has been a wet, cool Summer so far, and the plants have been as confused as we have! Spring flowering shrubs still performing in mid-Summer; trees losing some of their leaves early; and some perennials very slow to reach their peak. Hopefully we have a warm, late Summer ahead and it is a very good time to stop and reflect on how your garden is performing, and whether it is providing you with the colour and interest that you seek.
Are your borders wide enough to provide staggered and tiered planting, which generally look more interesting and attractive than a narrow strip of plants? Do your paths and seating areas need a re-fresh or re-think? Are you taking advantage of the sunny (or shady) spots in your garden at different times of the day? Have your trees and shrubs outgrown their space, providing too much shade and using up too much space? Are you making the most of your walls and fences, with taller plants and climbers? Your soil may need to be cultivated and improved, turned over and enriched with peat free compost, and your planting scheme may need a review and a refresh. So have a look at your garden while you enjoy the last rays of Summer.
There are still a number of Autumn Garden shows before the end of the season to provide you with inspiration. Now is the time to plan and purchase Spring bulbs for 2025. Autumn is also a good time to purchase and plant trees and shrubs. Increasingly, plants need to be tough to cope with warm, dry spells, and with cool, wet periods. It is hard to believe that 2023 was the warmest year on record in the UK! The trends are for eco and sustainable materials, with permeable surfaces to allow water to drain through and not run-off, overfill drains, and cause flash- flooding. Vertical accents with bug hotels, obelisks and arches are popular, with brightly coloured, contemporary furniture – Lots of food for thought.
Happy Gardening!
Anne Fraser and Caroline Streets
Planting Gems
07729 835988 & 07930 876348