What has Covid-19 done for our community spirit?

We might be forgiven for wanting to put the pandemic behind us without the need to re-examine events. But there are certain aspects of the last 12 months that show more positive than negative things going on around us.

Throughout the pandemic we have seen the amazing capacity for generosity and community spirit at times of severe crisis from neighbours helping neighbours and the heart-warming campaign of the late Captain Sir Tom Moore who inspired many others to do something similar. These acts of kindness regularly graced the headlines giving us a sense that all was not lost.

The nationwide and regional lockdowns place a huge emphasis on local communities and the need for people to help each other, particularly the elderly and vulnerable. Caring for others has always been part of human nature but the pressures of modern life meant it often got pushed down the priorities list. Being forced to stay at home saw us develop a new habit of looking out for each other and it’s a habit a recent survey has shown we want to stick with; 68% of UK adults want to continue helping others even after the current crisis has passed.

It seems we’re also getting used to being active members of our local communities, discovering the joys of shopping locally, waving at neighbours and even strangers as we keep our distance, litter picking in the park as well as picking up and delivering medicines and shopping to those who can’t get out and about.

Let’s not forget over 750,000 people signed up to be an NHS volunteer; nor the hand drawings that still adorn the windows along the streets that surround us. This renewed sense of togetherness is a boost to out mental health so it’s one that we should all work to nurture and carry on into the future. Doing good gives us a rush of endorphins, making us feel good in return, reducing our own stress and improving our wellbeing.

It would be good for us all to remember that despite the panic and fear this historic, global pandemic has brought and despite the uncertainty and disruption, this crisis has illuminated the best of humanity. We’ve witnessed a revolution of kindness and communities coming together just when we needed it most. Our job now is to make sure that it continues.

Author: Helen Say