With the festive season at an end when tensions have been running high in families where they have been trying hard to contain issues until the New Year, family solicitors often receive a surge of new enquiries from couples who are seeking legal advice relating to separation, divorce, domestic abuse and child disputes. It is not uncommon for separating couples waiting until after the festive holidays before commencing divorce proceedings to avoid disrupting family traditions or upsetting the children during the festive period. However the lead up to Christmas may be the final straw for some couples who decide to separate. As such, the start of a new year can inspire people to make significant life changes, including taking steps to end an unhappy marriage. According to family court national statistics quarterly, divorce applications issued between January and March 2024 are 16% higher than those issued between April to June 2024;


    • The spike in domestic abuse incidents over the festive period increases as a result of financial strain, alcohol consumption, family tension. According to the Office of National Statistics, there is a sharp rise of domestic abuse cases reported to the police on Christmas Day itself, and there were 7,467 domestic abuse remedy applications issued between January and March 2024;
    • Separating or separated parents finding themselves involved in a dispute relating to child care arrangements during the festive holidays or a child not been returned from abroad.

    Divorce or separation is not a decision that should be taken lightly and if couples are wanting to end their marriage or their cohabitation, they should seek legal advice as couples often face uncertainty about what the future may look like in the event of a separation or divorce. Separating parents are also unsure what is going to happen to the children, the family pet or their matrimonial or family home. Therefore couples need to know their legal position and guidance as to the range of possible outcomes. At the end of a consultation with a divorce and family specialists, clients can feel relieved and reassured of the next steps and options that are most amicable and cost effective.

    No two cases are ever the same as every family is different but there are principles that the law follows in all cases and it is valuable to have an idea of what they are when couples negotiate a financial settlement during a divorce or children disputes. It is always in a couple’s best interest to seek legal advice from a specialist divorce and family lawyer to ensure you are protected. At Hopkin Murray Beskine solicitors, we have a team of experienced family law specialists, who are Resolution or Law Society accredited who understand the stress of facing a divorce and separation to make the process simple, hassle-free and affordable.

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    If you need advice, please email [email protected] or on 020 7272 1234.

    Hopkin Murray Beskine
