How decluttering your mind can change your life

If you’ve ever wondered why certain things repeatedly don’t work out for you, it might be that your self-talk is holding you back.

Do you seem to attract the same type of unreliable partner? Do you always seem to have a rude boss?

While it’s easy to feel that you’re a victim of circumstances, it’s likely that you are a victim of your own negative thoughts.

Just as you declutter your home, declutter your mind by letting go of what no longer serves you. By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you create space for new opportunities in your life.

When you hold on to your old thought patterns, you create a cycle of self-sabotage. To break this cycle, you need to be self-aware and identify your negative thoughts.

Write down what your inner critic tells you and replace it with positive statements. For instance, replace ‘I’m not enough’ with ‘I’m lovable’.

In addition, keep a gratitude journal and list five things daily that you are grateful for.

When you truly believe that you are lovable and deserve to be respected like anyone else, magical things will start to happen.

With my intuitive coaching and healing, you can effectively break these inner blocks and become empowered.

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