The behaviour of the Impeccable Warrior

To enjoy life to the maximum, one necessary element to take on board is the behaviour of the Impeccable Warrior. But who or what is the Impeccable Warrior?

The Impeccable Warrior is not a person who goes to war because he is told or expected to, or seeks a conflict situation except as a last resort, he is a character who looks into his heart for answers and always does “the right thing,” whatever the consequences, which means he never has any grounds for remorse or regret.

By ensuring his actions are guided by his heart he is automatically guaranteed to follow an honourable path, for the simple reason that you always know in your heart when what you are doing is right.

The right way to act in any given situation is not always something your brain can work out because the mind is conditioned and can’t always see objectively. But your heart always knows what’s best for you, and if you follow its guidance you will always behave with integrity.

If you do that you should be able to sleep peacefully at night and hold your head up high during the day, for the Impeccable Warrior does not have a troubled conscience.

You can also look at this the other way round. If you want to take a position of authority, such as political leader, a cleric or an elite sportsperson, it’s important to make sure your behaviour is beyond reproach.

Otherwise how can you behave with integrity?

Whether you aspire to be a top achiever or you are perfectly happy with more modest achievements, it’s essential either way that you are true to yourself. You may believe this is easier said than done, but really all you have to do when a difficult decision is required is to ask yourself questions of a self enquiry nature, such as “Do I really want to do this?” “Is this really me?” “Am I doing this to please someone else?” “Would I rather pursue a different course of action?”

Above all the question to ask yourself is, “How do I proceed in a way that accords with my core beliefs and values?”. Only your heart will know the answer, so it may then be necessary to be silent for a while so you can hear it’s still, small voice above the hullaballoo of daily life.

Every action has consequences and we have to live with those, and sometimes it seems better to take the easy way out, and sometimes that is indeed the best course of action. But not always.

 It’s so easy to slide into lazy habits but living true to yourself is not that difficult and it’s highly rewarding, though there might be a price to pay. It does, or course, require doing everything you can to raise your level of conscious awareness so you actually notice what you are doing and, unless you are a saint, there will be times when you mess it up.

If that happens, don’t beat yourself up. Notice that you got it wrong and make a mental note not to fall into that trap again. Then pick yourself up and start anew. Maybe you can make amends, maybe not. Be satisfied you are doing, or trying to do, the very best you can.