Living at home with dementia
The Alzheimer’s Society states that there are around 900,000 people in the UK living with dementia, which is forecasted to increase to 1.6m by 2040. As dementia care experts, we understand that everyday activities at home can become trickier to complete with dementia. With some tweaks to daily living, it’s possible to still live safely and comfortably at home with dementia.

Tips for a safer home
- Remove clutter or furniture not needed, like small rugs, which might be a trip hazard.
- Install an automatic shut-off switch on the stove in case it’s left on.
- Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in or near the kitchen and bedrooms.
- Install night lights in the bedroom to help prevent tripping if walking around at night.
- Mirrors or glass doors may lead to confusion or look like an open door – place sticker markers on doors and mirrors to make more visible.
- Help to write down to-do lists, appointments and reminders in a notepad or on sticky notes.
- Set up automatic bill payments and help manage your loved one’s finances.
- Arrange to have regular food shopping delivered.
- Manage medications with a weekly pill box and set reminders for them to be taken.
10.Label where things are stored or to identify their possessions.
Contact us to see which care services / support we can help you with:
Tel: 020 8446 7044