Celebrating 15 years of helping landlords
Movehome is an independent Letting agent and Property Management specialist covering all the popular areas of North, East and Central London.
Movehome began as a father and son duo in 2007 with the aim of making Lettings and Property Management an easy process. We put landlords and tenants at the forefront of everything we do by consistently delivering excellent customer service through being reliable, prompt, proactive, honest and approachable. We have a professional, honest approach to all of our Letting Agents services and are fully licensed members of the professional self-regulating bodies.
At Movehome we fully understand the need for complete transparency regarding fees, which is why we are always upfront about all the
charges for our services. We believe our fees are fair and represent very
good value for landlords.
If you need help with your property portfolio, please get in touch with us to see how we can assist.
T: 020 7278 4229
W: www.movehome.co.uk