World Mental Health Day, divorce and stress on children
Statistics have shown that 1 in 4 people in the UK have or have experienced mental health problems or issues. According to Mind, 6 in 100 people in the UK will be diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder every week and over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time.

However, children and young people are often missed out of these statistics. This is partly the result of the fact that services for this group are not readily or easily available, and it seems there are few statistics recorded outside the take up of services.
Children can be very affected by their parents’ mood and the changes in the family. Change such as a new baby can trigger ‘big feelings’ as every parent knows. However, changes in the family as a result of divorce and sadly, sometimes the associated hostilities, bring a very different atmosphere. This is also a time when parents might be less capable or robust than usual, perhaps less alert to spotting if their children are distressed or behaving differently, such as becoming withdrawn.
At times of tumultuous family change, some people can find they are suffering feelings of loneliness, embarrassment or shame following the breakdown of a relationship / marriage. The Children and Family Court Advisory Service (CAFCASS) offer parents guidance and support regarding breakups. They also address the impact on children of the family. This is accessed through their website, including directly to young people:
There is also the option of using mediation to try to reach agreements about when the children see the other parent, including crucially, can you maintain shared parenting, and if so, how?
Mediation can also include inviting your child to give their views to an independent neutral mediator, in a confidential meeting that can be shared if the child agrees. It might offer the opportunity to reach speedy agreements even if just for the next few months, taking pressure off the whole family and allowing a longer-term arrangement to be considered.
Take some legal advice before mediation to prepare, so that you are alert to the legal issues when you meet. Our private family team have specialists who offer legal advice and support at these critical times for a family: including an understanding of how such moments can affect children. We are experienced in recognising and supporting clients experiencing one of the most stressful times of their lives and we understand the effect that separation or divorce can have on mental health.
Please feel free to contact us for advice and guidance on these matters and any aspect of family and children disputes, or just for some advice about a worry you have about a future problem arising
If you are considering a separation, or finalising a separation by way of a divorce, we at Hopkin Murray Beskine have a team of Family Law specialists who can assist you. If you need advice, please contact, Serena Sandhu [email protected] or on 020 7272 1234.
Hopkin Murray Beskine