If you’ve just got past the A-level rollercoaster ride, welcome to the enigmatic realm of the “year out” – a magical time filled with possibilities, uncertainties, and a touch of existential pondering.


As I approach this mysterious interlude, I have found myself wondering, “What does the future hold for my progeny?” Will he seize the opportunity to embark on daring adventures, exploring the world like Indiana Jones in search of buried treasures? Or will he transform into a hermit, retreating to his bedroom, binge-watching every show on every streaming platform known to humanity?

To prepare him for this coming year I am trying to instil a few good habits in the hope that my son’s ability to fend for himself will become the norm. His cooking skills have marched on in a way I never envisaged although some gourmet dishes whipped up out of random ingredients found in the pantry and freezer have both impressed and terrified me!

He’s not yet so keen on getting a part-time job even though I have impressed on him how it will massively increase his life skills. But he has reservations about how serving lattes or folding shirts like an origami expert will teach him patience and how to deal with difficult customers without losing his cool.

Of course, as his friends embark on their own journeys, there has been a tinge of FOMO. To counter this, I have gently reminded my son that his friends won’t be the sole creators of cherished unique experiences. When he reunites with his old school friends, they will all have a plethora of adventures to share.

I know he will also be pondering life’s big questions. Who am I? What do I want to do with my life? He may not find the answers and as I pointed out to him, some of us oldsters we are still contemplating them! Now is a chance to explore, learn, and grow like never before. So, here’s an aside for all those post A-Level warriors; just remember, embrace the uncertainty, laugh at the absurdity – it’s all part of the incredible adventure we call life!