How to reduce heat loss from your home – ‘The fabric first approach’.

We all know that we are being asked to do ‘our bit’ in being more eco-friendly.

 How can we achieve this in our homes? A family asked EcoTiffin to do just that and after enlisting their help, they commented, “EcoTiffin saved us 37% in energy bills whilst increasing our square footage by 35%, giving us a warm and welcoming home.”

Moisture in brickwork is the worst possible ingredient to have in your property and every effort should be made to prevent the ingress of moisture. Moisture in the brickwork reduces the bricks thermal capacity to retain heat and it has a chilling effect like a fridge on your home. Solid brick walls are by far the worse. Remember; wet walls are cold walls!

The fabric first approach is essential when improving insulation to roofs, walls, floors and windows which are just some of the ways of reducing heat-loss. The use of thermography (thermal imagining) is an exciting and relatively new application in the building world. If you want to identify areas of excessive heat loss in your home on the way to creating an eco-friendly building, using thermographic equipment is a good place to start.

Robert Tiffin (descendant of the original family) and highly respected building expert and Quantity Surveyor, has seen a rise in the number of families wanting to make their homes work more efficiently. Evidence from thermograms help to provide much of the data to substantiate Robert’s bespoke reports for each property in “seeing the unseen”. To the trained eye, the results can reveal important information enabling a clear diagnosis. Homeowners look forward to maximising their comfort to a warm, cosy and cost effective, healthier environment for themselves and their families.


For more information please contact Eco Tiffin: 07768 005885 or email [email protected]